Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Looking Forward to Graduation Ceremony!

I have collected my gown finally at school. So excited!!!!!! This congregation is what I have longed for :) Wearing the hood in purple, and a bit big cap, I can finally step up to the stage. I look back to years of school life, I have made a lot of friends, learnt and experienced a lot. Workplace is totally different from school. Competition evitably exists. Pure friendship rarely appears. I miss the good old days but life is still going on. It's time to grow up and overcome the challengessssss!

ありがとう - My family, friends and beloved. :)


  1. 卒業(そつぎょう)、おめでとうございます!
    Conglatulations on your graduation!!!

    Please work from now on too :0

  2. せおせんせい,あいがとうございます!
    I will work hard on both my work and にほんcourse!! =]

  3. ウォリスさん

    がんばって :)
